As people age they all start to think differently and relate to things differently. When it comes to their birthdays, they will most likely receive cards that are very serious or very funny. The content that you would find in these cards would have something to do with the person and how he/she handles life.
What I found in the cards all seemed to say something different, but yet they all said the same thing in a way. The funny cards would all make remarks on body parts or their functions. The more serious card tends to tell you how wonderful you are. As people age they start to think of how life affects them and what different things they can do to prevent it from it making it worse.
In the funny cards I viewed, they all deal with different age groups. The 20 to 30 year age group are all about it’s the time of your life, celebrate, live it up, you are maturing and are more responsible, you are marking a milestone. These cards say that you are still invincible and that nothing matters. The 40 to 50 year age group you are basically over the hill. These cards say that you are still young, but yet you are getting old. The age group of 60 and older basically says that you have seen it all and did it all, you are still young at heart and you have lots of memories, but still more to come. These cards say that you getting old and you never know how many more you will have. As the age got older or the content referred to older people, they made more jokes about a person’s age and how they aren’t to old to do the things they used to do. In the more serious cards, they basically said the same thing no matter what age you were. They are always wishing you all the happiness you deserve, all the laughter and happy times in your life. They also mention what a special or wonderful person you are or how you always brighten up everyone’s lives. These cards refer to everybody enjoying their special day.
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